Lindsay Jones

Coolstuff Team
January 12, 2024

Meet Lindsay, the floral designer behind Studio Jones. Lindsay created her studio with a desire to combine a love for things that don’t always go together, on bridging the natural with the unnatural, on crafting experiences and moments with flowers that bring others the joy she found through flowers and design. We caught up with Lindsay to hear how she got her start in the world of botanicals.

What led you to start your career as a floral designer?

I definitely have a non-traditional route to flowers. I grew up with a lot of interest in creativity and art but didn’t have a lot of outlets for it. School didn’t offer a lot of art courses and neither did home, so it was really easy to get pushed into traditional molds. I followed the path I thought I was supposed to be on, and got a good job with a corporate beverage company in NYC in my early twenties, but always felt like something was missing.

My job eventually left me more and more burnt out every year and desperately seeking some creative outlet. When I finally left, I simultaneously had a dear friend, Molly Ford from Flowers by Ford, who was pursuing her creative passion and needed an extra hand on the weekends. It was perfect for me. I was able to hang out with my friend and gently dip my toes back into the world of creativity. I instantly fell in love with flowers and the events world. I got so much more out of those weekends than working at any other job. As physically hard as it was, it was so much fun. I loved all the chaos of it. Despite how I felt, I still was unsure if it was the right next thing for me. So I tried working at design startups, and doing freelance work in other creative areas, but ended up coming back to flowers as I felt my happiest and most rewarded there. I jumped fully into flowers in early 2022 and I began really trying to pinpoint what I loved about the work and how I could keep doing whatever that feeling I loved was through freelancing with other florists and set designers. 

I slowly started to piece together that ultimately, I loved flowers because it allowed me to make a piece of art that someone gets to enjoy and appreciate at the end of the day. I’m so lucky I fell into flowers through Molly and now get to bring beautiful things to people. It’s temporary, but it’s cool to think my art can bring a smile to people's faces. That’s the best feeling for me.

Right photo by Peyton Curry

Do you have a favorite event you've created floral arrangements for?

Tough question. If I had to choose two (because I can’t choose one), the first would be my partnership with Produce Parties: a bi-monthly potluck party of 200+ people celebrating a particular vegetable that’s in season. The Tomato-themed party last August was my favorite of the year. I love getting to mix flowers and food into different shapes and forms. Food brings people together, and connecting flowers to food just makes it 10x more special for me. 

Second, would be a small rooftop wedding dinner party in the West Village that I planned and designed. Weddings are great, but this one was so intimate and it was great helping the couple find small design details that felt like them but also fit for their family’s first true gathering together. This one was also special as I was able to bring in some of the most amazing vendors like Solucca for plate rentals, Mudari Creative for menu design, and Kate Pauley for photos.

What’s the best part about the New York creative community

There are so many things! I’d have to say it’s how willing to help everyone is. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been on the phone with other florists talking about how to do this or that. The support is real and it’s felt. I remember one evening when I had completely forgotten something vital for my Sunday job and there was no way I could get it the next day. I texted 2 other florists and within the next hour, at least 5 to 10 connections away, a florist I had never met was Uber-packaging me what I needed. For free. Because they know what that’s like and just wanted to help a fellow florist.

Photo by Cool Friend Kate Pauley

What type of blooms are you on the hunt for right now at the flower market?

Anything unique and weird. Something that has an element that takes my breath away. I’m always drawn to something wilder, probably green or purple or with a really interesting texture that looks out of this world. It’s the flowers that most people wouldn’t mix with something traditional that inspires me.

Are there any florists that inspire your work?

So many. And so many inspire me who do so much more than floristry!  Always, my day one, Molly - Flowers by Ford. Others I've been thinking a lot about lately are Isa Isa Attempt, Humid House, Sophia Mulligan, AmberLu, Centa Project & Omger Gilony.

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